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Pairing Strategy Scope Part 5 of 5

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Buyers Make Purchasing Decisions Differently. But You Know That ... Right?

Salespeople that approach every prospect the same-old way lose. Plenty of research reveals prospects are more likely to buy when they unconsciously trust and feel at ease with a salesperson. But building trust and rapport looks different with each buyer behavior style.

Double-Triple Your ROI Energies

• Pairing reps and prospects improves Inbound/Outbound executions

• Aligning reps with prospects becomes a buyer-persuasion hammer

• Replating the ideal rep accelerates digital penetration and builds a bond between them

• Duplicating a company's icon rep is branding differentiation

• Matching reps, prospects and customers is a step forward into predictive outcomes

• Recasting favored rep styles is a weighted-tactic to ensure customer connections

• Facsimile of best rep characteristic qualities fast-tracks more customer/prospect trust

• Model your quality rep identities broadcasting those to break icy-cold prospect debuts

• Cloning empowers reps at winning-over customer confidence, (e.g. trust)

• Sameness between rep and prospect fuels buyer consent of rep and provider company

• Corresponding rep behavior helps reduce rep turnover, customer churn and CAC

• Synonymous performance, (sales coaching tactic) influences and effects close ratios

• Mutually pervasive beings reduce sales steps, thus sales cycles, thus close more

• Interchangeability among reps, customers, and prospects is an engagement strategy

• Coincidence (likeness) between reps and prospects deepens their connections swiftly

• Everywhereness converts transactional (one-time sales) to to long-term sales

• Pairing is addictive triggering upsurge in CLTV

Aligning REP Talent, Customer and Prospect with the Business Strategy

  • 8 to 10 times more activity after instituting alignments

  • 4X pipeline growth month over month

  • 6X less rep and prospect churn first 6 months

Sales reps today are expected to deliver an extremely personalized experience during every customer interaction they have with the company/rep. Sales intelligence is the process of collecting this information about the customer and market to make the customer experience more relevant and personal. As your rep acquires a new prospect (lead), the first step is to begin gathering intel (specific prospect research) about that buyer. Once the investigation step is complete, your reps will begin initial sales conversations, and should adapt their communication approach to match the prospect.

It is difficult to find and hire matching (same type and style) customer and rep. So, imagine a world where your firm through the one technology platform deploys online behavioral management solutions that are heavily rooted in validated behavioral science to:

1. Match the rep and team to each client enabling personalized communication based on their unique, yet matching styles, including the re-framing of key information and engaging them with a customized proposition experience in every interaction. Delivering exactly what the buyer wants, how sweet is that?

2. Aligning talent to business objectives means the rep is pre-equipped with as 'close as possible' equal (in behavior styles) and skills focused on meeting the organization’s overall business goal/strategies with buyer-centric focus. Talent alignment is a strategy to accelerate the connection between the buyer and the rep supplier. Talent Pairing Practice is mapping your salespeople with the customer/prospect type. That includes having acquired the specific industry knowledge, motivated to implement and achieve customer/prospect's outcome design. Business strategies, backed by corporate and a buyer-first aim represents a competitive sales advantage.

3. Over the last few years, the area of behavioral studies has moved from a research discussion to practical reality. Now, a behavioral matching approach is being replicated among a triangle of reps, customers and prospects. It pinpoints virtually every human habit in the character of the way buyers like to communicate, work, and live. While we measure unique insights, the system is easy to use. It can group reps, customers into style groups or people that have similar traits by providing natural behavioral triggers that help alleviate tense problems of building relationships and providing compliant offerings between the triangle parties.

Trust-points versus Touch-points!

What is Customer Engagement?

"Customer engagement is the ongoing interactions between company and customer, offered by the company, chosen by the customer."

Paul Greenberg (for HubSpot)

"Buyer engagement is the degree and depth of brand-focused interactions a new visitor chooses to perform."

The Smile Team

"Inbound engagement is an estimate of the degree and depth of visitor interaction against a defined set of CTAs." Eric Peterson (How Do You Calculate Engagement? Part II)

"Up to 2/3 of a brand's profits might rely on effective conversion engagements."

Hall and Partners

Engagement Means Seeking Strategies that Deliver Buyer Desired Outcomes

Your client experience is rapidly evolving from a transactional (1X quick sell close ) process focused simply on shopping and buying, to a model built on deep, enriching long-term relationship strategies at every step of the buying journey. Brands must become an indispensable part of buyers’ lives.

Sellers must build a sophisticated understanding of the way consumers live, eat, shop, work and play – and use this knowledge to provide value in the right place, at the right time.

An experience-led buyer journey is no small feat. It requires a buyer-centered view of the entire business, from supply chain and operations to content and marketing, and a technology ecosystem powered by real-time purchase data.

Buyer Desired Outcomes

What does Success look like for your business segment buyer?

Part 5 of 5 Final

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